Lift Truck Operation – Theoretical Training

Course Description:

In our interactive eight hour course, you will learn the essential principles involved in the safe operation of a lift truck. You will understand limitations that effect truck stability and safe loading criteria. You will be able to recognize the hazards ahead of time that present a risk to yourself and those around the truck. A complete understanding of the fundamentals of handling high risk loads as well as the legal responsibilities associated with lift trucks will also be taught.

A wallet card will be issued to those who satisfactorily complete the course with a grade of 90% or higher.

Course Content:

Learn the principles involved in the safe operation of lift trucks, fork trucks or forklifts; understand lift truck stability and safe loading criteria; recognize the hazards of lift truck operation for both yourself the people around you; learn safe re-fueling practices; learn your legal responsibilities as a lift truck operator.

We offer this Program at our location or our customer’s location.

Training: | 416-213-7277 or register online via our online sign-up form

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