whmis-training-toronto-ontarioAll kinds of companies deal with hazardous materials on a regular basis. Whether it’s in a laboratory, on a construction site, in a warehouse or a commercial building, they’re essential to certain forms of commerce. Most of us would lose many of our modern conveniences or even the clean homes and workstations we enjoy if these chemicals weren’t involved at some point.

Unfortunately, this can put some workers in Toronto at risk if they’re not careful. Without proper WHMIS training, many Toronto employees would find themselves hurt or much worse. This also means that many companies in the area would possibly be facing legal battles as well. In many scenarios, even the customers could be harmed if employees aren’t familiar with the chemicals they’re using.

This is why this type of training is not an option. You are required to go through it if you are an employee who faces even the possibility of becoming exposed to this type of material or some other kind of controlled product while on the clock.

Due to the potential for harm, any company that has employees who deal with hazardous materials in the workplace must provide training no less than once a year. These companies must also provide training if and when any major changes occur that affect hazardous materials in the workplace or even if new information is simply made available about them.

Fortunately, WHMIS in Ontario doesn’t have to be expensive. You can keep your employees knowledgeable and safe without breaking the bank. Just call Ri-Go Lift today at 1-800-263-7580 and we’ll tell you all about what our training entails and how affordable it is.

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